• Policy Number:08022022P
  • Effective date:Feb 22, 2022
  • Last reviewed date:May 29, 2023
  • Summary: This policy describes Highstone International University procedures
Policy Statement

The purpose of this policy is to describe the procedures in relation to refund processing fees paid to Highstone International University ("HIU") by applicants and students. This policy should be read in conjunction with the University's Financial Aid and Payments Policies, where relevant.

University Fees and Refund Process

Highstone International University is a tuition-free, non-profit institution. Applicants and students are asked, however, to pay the following:

One $60 non-refundable application/registration fee for undergraduate,
One $120 non-refundable application/registration fee for graduate
$150 assessment/administrative fee per undergraduate course; and
$230 assessment/administrative fee per graduate course.
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These fees cover the institution's cost of delivering its educational services. The processing of these fees is administrated by the Payments Office.

Individuals who are not satisfied with the outcome of any refund related decision are encouraged to communicate with the University directly for informal resolution of the matter.

I. Assessment Fees

Refunds for assessment/administrative fees are not necessary nor applicable under the payment structure of Highstone International University (HIU). This is because students are never charged up front to pay for assessment/administrative fees. Rather, students are asked to schedule their payment in three installment. Those who wish to earn credit for a course pay the course assessment fee and take the final exam.

II. Application Processing Fee

The University's Application Processing Fee is $60 & 120USD and is non-refundable.

  • Applicants residing in California, USA may request a refund for all monies, including non- refundable application fees if requested within three (3) business days after making a payment.
III. Conditions for a Refund

Applicants who withdrew their application before an admissions decision was made, may write a formal request to their Admissions Advisor asking for a refund.

IV. Refund Processing .

The Payments Officewillevaluatetherequestand hasthe discretiontoacceptor adenythe request for a refund. Refunds will be available to the student within 30 days fromthe submission of the formal request via the same payment method the payment was made.